Research Article

Gamma-Ray Treatment of Echinococcus Protoscoleces prior to Implantation in Mice Reduces Echinococcosis

Figure 4

H&E staining to show the structures of the hydatid cysts in the irradiated groups. (a) The hydatid cyst germinal layer (Gl) cells were coarse in the 10 Gy group (×200). (b) The hydatid cyst germinal layer disappeared in the 10 Gy group (×200). (c) The hydatid cyst germinal layer and cuticle separated and formed vacuoles in the 10 Gy group (×200). (d) The hydatid cyst cuticle occurred at separation in the 20 Gy group (×200). (e) The hydatid cyst cuticle occurred at separation in the 20 Gy group (×200). (f) The hydatid cyst cuticle and fiber layer occurred at separation and formed vacuoles in the 40 Gy group (×100). (g) Echinococcus fiber layer tissue isolation in the 40 Gy group (×400). (h) Echinococcus fiber layer tissue isolation in the 40 Gy group (×400). (i) Hydatid cyst cuticle rupture (×200). (j) Hydatid cyst cuticle rupture in the 80 Gy group (×200).