Research Article

Characterization of Enhancing MS Lesions by Dynamic Texture Parameter Analysis of Dynamic Susceptibility Perfusion Imaging

Figure 2

The averaged temporal dynamics of NEL, EL−, and EL+ are exemplarily provided for the mean (a) and SD (b) of the DIFF-TPM. (a) Mean of the DIFF-TPM for NEL, EL−, and EL+: the bars reflect the perfusion intensity of the lesion subtypes during baseline, inflow, outflow, and reperfusion. Significant differences between EL+ and NEL are detected during the inflow () and between EL+ and EL− () and EL+ and NEL () during the reperfusion. The mean values for NEL and EL− increase until the end of the OF with subsequent normalization to baseline during the RP. In contrast the mean values of EL+ increase only until IF, followed by a decrease during outflow and reperfusion with negative values during reperfusion due to local leakage effects. (b) SD of the DIFF-TPM for NEL, EL−, and EL+: the bars reflect the perfusion homogeneity of the lesion subtypes during baseline, inflow, outflow, and reperfusion. The temporal dynamics of the EL− are similar to that of the NEL, indicating similar perfusion characteristics of EL− and NEL (n.s.). EL+ are characterized by increasing inhomogeneity during outflow and reperfusion. The SD segregated EL+ from EL− during OF () and RP () and EL+ from NEL during OF () and RP (). The persistence of increased SD during RP indicates local leakage effects as observed in (a).