Research Article

In Vitro Susceptibility of Mycobacterium abscessus and Mycobacterium fortuitum Isolates to 30 Antibiotics

Table 4

The comparison of drug resistance rate of M. fortuitum isolates from various studies.

district/nationyearTest methodAminoglycosidesFluoroquinolonesCarbapenemsSulfonamidessource

Shanghai201710 (0%)0 (0%)15 (88%)10 (59%)8 (47%)17 (100%)15 (88%)2 (12%)-3 (18%)14 (82%)This study
Guangzhou201717 (14%)51 (100%)-2 (4%)21 (41%)39 (76%)-29 (57%)13 (25%)43 (84%)-[34]
Mumbai201620 (0%)0 (0%)22 (100%)-5 (23%)0 (0%)-4 (18%)-0 (0%)21 (95%)[35]
India201610 (0%)---5 (24%)3 (14%)-----[36]
Iran201611 (2%)0 (0%)8 (14%)25 (29%)12(14%)-36 (42%)8 (9%)42 (49%)6 (7%)0 (0%)[37]
Singapore201513 (3%)73 (92%)7 (8%)0 (0%)3 (3%)44 (47%)-3 (3%)6 (7%)1 (3%)[27]
Taiwan200310 (0%)32 (46%)1 (1%)17 (25%)23(33%)14 (20%)47 (68%)5 (7%)28 (41%)17 (25%)35 (51%)[33]

1 means broth microdilution method and 2 means disc diffusion method.
“-“ means the results are not available.
SXT=trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. SXT and SOX have the same mainly effective ingredient sulfamethoxazole, so we compare the results together.