Review Article

Metabolic Reprogramming of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts: The Slavery of Stromal Fibroblasts

Table 1

List of several compounds targeting CAFs metabolism.

CompoundMechanism of actionPathway targetRefs

Metformin↑ Cav-1; ↓ MCT-4Oxidative stress
Lactate transporter
[80, 87, 89, 90]
Quercetin↑ Cav-1; ↓ MCT-4Oxidative stress
Lactate transporter
[87, 89]
Chloroquine↑ Cav-1; ↓ MCT-4Autophagy
Lactate transporter
[82, 89]
NAC↑ Cav-1; ↓ MCT-4Oxidative stress
Lactate transporter
[20, 8991]
L-NAME↑ Cav-1Oxidative stress
Mitochondrial activity
FX11↓ LDH-ALactate production[98, 99]
Indisulam↓ CA IXMicroenvironment acidification[100]
3-BP↓ HK-2Glycolysis[102]
T-Lipo-3-BP↓ HK-2Glycolysis[103]