Research Article

Relation between Red Cell Distribution Width and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Table 2

ORs (95% CIs) for all-cause mortality across groups of RDW.

RDW, %Non-adjustedModel IModel II
OR (95%CIs)P valueOR (95%CIs)P valueOR (95%CIs)P value

30-day mortality
 Fitted groups
  ≥14.52.14 (1.33, 3.44)0.00172.05 (1.25, 3.35)0.00421.91 (1.08, 3.39)0.0260
90-day mortality
 Fitted groups
  ≥14.52.51 (1.62, 3.89)<0.00012.48 (1.57, 3.92)0.00012.56 (1.50, 4.37)0.0006

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.
Models were derived from logistic regression.
Adjust I model adjust for: age, ethnicity, and gender.
Adjust II model adjust for: age, ethnicity and gender, liver disease, stroke, SAPSII, SOFA, anion gap, bicarbonate, creatinine, hemoglobin, glucose, CAD, platelet, CHF, and atrial fibrillation.