Research Article

Sodium Selenite Accentuates the Therapeutic Effect of Adriamycin Prodrug (PADM) against Gastric Cancer

Figure 2

Evaluation of the proliferation and migration of SGC-7901 and MGC-803 gastric cancer cells. (a) The proliferation of SGC-7901 and MGC-803 gastric cancer cells was observed using light microscopy. The number of SGC-7901 cells showed a decrease with SS and/or PADM treatment, and the number of dead MGC-803 cells (round, hollow cells) was increased with SS and/or PADM treatment. Scale bar = 50 μm for SGC-7901 cells and 100 μm for MGC-803 cells. (b) The proliferation of SGC-7901 and MGC-803 cells was detected by the colony formation assay (magnification 40x). Both SGC-7901 and MGC-803 cells showed a clear decrease in colony formation with SS or PADM treatment, and the combination of SS and PADM accentuated the effects of the individual components. (c) The migration of SGC-7901 and MGC-803 cells was determined by the scratch assay. Gap closure efficiency was reduced by SS or PADM in both cell lines, and the combination of SS and PADM accentuated the effects of the individual components. Scale bar = 200 μm for both cell lines.