Research Article

The Superficial Venous System of the Forelimb of the Anubis Baboon (Papio anubis): The Distribution of Perforating Veins and Venous Valves

Figure 5

Specimen of the elbow region of the right forelimb of Anubis baboon (Papio anubis)—anterior view. The deep dissection. 1—cephalic vein, 2—anastomosis between the cephalic vein and deep veins. This perforator, after passing through the deep fascia (2a), connected the cephalic vein with the deep veins accompanying the radial artery and after a further short course (2b) with the veins accompanying the ulnar artery, 3—radial artery, 4—ulnar artery, 5—one of double veins accompanying the ulnar artery.