Research Article

Characterization of the Complete Chloroplast Genome of Acer truncatum Bunge (Sapindales: Aceraceae): A New Woody Oil Tree Species Producing Nervonic Acid

Figure 9

Schematic diagram of the development of the ycf4-cemA indel marker in six Acer species. (a) Results of the PCR amplification of the ycf4-cemA indel marker in the following Acer species: (1) A. tonkinense, (2) A. ginnala, (3) A. negundo, (4) A. henryi, (5) A. truncatum, and (6) A. buergerianum; M, 2,000-bp ladder. (b) Alignment of the ycf4-cemA marker sequence with MEGA 6.0. The arrow indicates the 91-bp deletion in A. buergerianum.