Research Article

Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Vegetables and Beans Powders Supplemented Chapattis in Healthy Humans: A Randomized, Crossover Trial

Table 1

Ingredient-based composition of treatment models.

Ingredient (g)T0T1T2T3T4

Wheat flour100807049.574.5
Mustard powder03600
Cabbage powder071000
Turnip powder05700
Radish powder05700
Kidney beans flour0002010
Gram flour0003015
Powdered black cumin0000.50.5

T0 = Control; T1 and T2 = Vegetable powder-supplemented treatments; T3 and T4 = Bean powder-supplemented treatments. ∗Glycemic response assessment was performed only for the treatments with the best organoleptic responses.