Research Article

Identification of the circRNA–miRNA–mRNA Regulatory Network in Pterygium-Associated Conjunctival Epithelium

Figure 7

Identification and functional analysis of DE-circRNAs. (a) Heatmap of DE-circRNA expression in PCE and NCE. (b) Volcano plots of DE-circRNA expression in PCE and NCE. Blue dots indicate downregulated DE-circRNAs, and yellow dots indicate upregulated DE-circRNAs. (c) Main enriched BP, CC, and MF GO terms of DE-circRNAs. The lengths of the columns indicate the -log10() of input DE-circRNAs in GO terms. The number following the columns indicates the quantities of input DE-circRNAs in each GO term. The ratios of blue/red columns indicate the relative quantities of decreased DE-circRNAs vs. increased DE-circRNAs in each GO term. (d) The top 6 significantly enriched KEGG pathways of upregulated and downregulated DE-circRNAs. The lengths of the columns indicate the -log10() of input DE-circRNAs in KEGG pathways. The number following the columns indicates the quantities of input DE-circRNAs in each KEGG pathway. The ratios of blue/red columns indicate the relative quantities of decreased DE-circRNAs vs. increased DE-circRNAs input in each pathway.