Research Article

Body Fat Evaluation in Male Athletes from Combat Sports by Comparing Anthropometric, Bioimpedance, and Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Measurements

Table 1

Selected existing anthropometric methods and equations developed for assessing body fat in different male athletes and general and specific populations.

Author(s)/methodAnthropometric equation

Yuhasz [14]Equation using 6 skinfolds:
Faulkner [33]Equation using 4 skinfolds. Today considered a modified Yuhasz method:
Forsyth and Sinning 1 [9]Equation using 2 skinfolds (equation no. 2a):
Forsyth and Sinning 2 [9]Equation using 4 skinfolds (equation no. 2b):
Forsyth and Sinning 3 [9]Equation using 2 skinfolds and height (equation no. 3a):
Forsyth and Sinning 4 [9]Equation using 4 skinfolds and height (equation no. 3b):
White et al. [11]Equation using 2 skinfolds:
Thorland et al. 1 [16]Equation using 7 skinfold:
Thorland et al. 2 [16]Equation using 3 skinfolds:
Withers et al. [19]Equation using 7 skinfolds, not fully published in the original 1987 paper by Withers et al., but can be found in Reilly et al. study derived from Withers et al. data.
Evans et al. 1 [20]Equation using 7 skinfolds, gender and race:
Evans et al. 2 [20]Equation using 3 skinfolds, gender and race:
Oliver et al. [10]Equation using 7 skinfolds (equation model number 3):
Reilly et al. [17]Equation using 4 skinfolds:
Civar et al. [21]Equation using 3 skinfolds and weight:
Stewart and Hannan [30]Equation using 2 skinfolds and weight. This equation estimates body fat in grams, which are then converted into body fat percentage for BIA comparison:
Zuti and Golding [15]

Ht: height; Wt: weight; BD: body density; %BF: body fat percentage; BFM: body fat mass in grams; Tr: triceps skinfold; Ma: midaxillary skinfold; Sb: subscapular skinfold; Ab: abdominal skinfold; Si: suprailiac skinfold; Sp: supraspinale skinfold; Th: quadriceps skinfold; Ca: calf skinfold (medial calf); Ch: chest skinfold; Bc: biceps skinfold; gender: , ; race: , ; WC: waist circumference; WD: wrist diameter.