Research Article

Short-Term In Vitro ROS Detection and Oxidative Stress Regulators in Epiretinal Membranes and Vitreous from Idiopathic Vitreoretinal Diseases

Figure 2

Intracellular ROS immunoreactivity in short-term cultured vitreal cells depending on ERM severity. Adherent cells were evaluated for the ability to produce ROS products by using the Cellular ROS Assay Kit. Not-pooled samples were used for H2DCFDA assay. Fluorescent intensities were monitored and acquired. (a) Representative confocal images of intracellular ROS in vitreous adhering cells at different stages of disease progression. (b) Bar plots showing the increased ROS expression depending on ERM severity. IntDen, Integrated Density. ANOVA analysis followed by the Tukey-Kramer post hoc highlighted the significant effects indicated in the graphs, .