Research Article

A Disproportionate Burden of Care: Gender Differences in Mental Health, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Social Support in Mexican Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers

Table 1

Caregiver participant demographics.

VariableMen ()Women () value

Age, years, mean (SD)37.63 (15.65)46.24 (14.46) .016
Marital status % NS
 Single 33.331.5
Relationship to patient %.000
 Spouse 55.614.8
 Parent 11.163.0
 Sibling 18.59.3
 Professional caregiver01.9
Education, years, mean (SD) 13.41
Working outside the home %92.644.4.000
Weekly time caregiving, hours, mean (SD)48.48 (41.05)79.28 (59.74).018
Total time caregiving, months, mean (SD)24.30 (23.04) 66.31 (66.68)  .002 

SD: standard deviation; NS: not significant.