Research Article

Detecting Migraine in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Three Different Headache Measures

Table 3

Sensitivity and specificity of the Nine-Item Screener in patients with and without migraine.

ItemSensitivity (%)Specificity (%)95% CI AUC

(1) Pain is worse on just one side7069.60.54–0.83
(2) Pain is pulsing, pounding, or throbbing9052.20.56–0.85
(3) Pain is moderate or severe10034.80.52–0.81
(4) Pain is made worse by activities such as walking or climbing stairs 8039.10.44–0.75
(5) You feel nauseated or sick to your stomach6072.70.50–0.80
(6) You see spots, stars, zigzag lines, or gray area for several minutes or more before or during your headaches7078.30.59–0.87
(7) Light bothers you (a lot more than when you do not have headaches)9539.10.52–0.81
(8) Sound bothers you (a lot more than when you do not have headaches)10030.40.49–0.79
(9) Functional impairment due to headache in the last three months9565.20.64–0.90

Note: = 43.