Research Article

The Influence of Executive Functioning on Facial and Subjective Pain Responses in Older Adults

Table 1

Observation of facial items within the painful trials (400 kPa) in 51 participants. Selection of pain-indicative items was based on frequency of occurrence (>5%) as well as on a more frequent occurrence during pain compared to baseline (effect size ).

Facial itemsPercentage of occurrenceEffect size
(Cohen’s )

Pained expression11.8d = 0.44
Narrowing eyes17.3
Closing eyes5.0d = 0.25
Raising upper lip16.7
Opened mouth33.3
Tightened lips19.6
Clenched teeth<5%
Empty gaze50.0d = 0.32
Seeming disinterested<5%
Pale face<5%
Teary eyed<5%
Looking tense12.8
Looking sad<5%
Looking frightened<5%

Percentage refers to the percentage of occurrence within the painful (400 kPa) trials. Effect sizes for frequency differences between “baseline” and “400 kPa” trials are given. Medium and strong effect sizes () are marked in bold.