Research Article

Mechanism of Restoration of Forelimb Motor Function after Cervical Spinal Cord Hemisection in Rats: Electrophysiological Verification

Table 1

Existence or nonexistence of CMAPs in the group of rats for preliminary experiment and the group of rats for assessment over time after C5 hemisection.

Stimulated sideRecorded sideRats for preliminary experiment (15 rats)Assessment over time after C5 hemisection
Post hemisection 1 week (3 rats)Post hemisection 2 weeks (3 rats)Post hemisection 4 weeks (3 rats)Post hemisection 6 weeks (3 rats)

Rt pyramidRt flex0/152/32/33/33/3
Rt ext0/152/32/33/33/3
Lt flex15/153/33/33/33/3
Lt ext15/153/33/33/33/3

Lt pyramidRt flex0/153/33/33/33/3
Rt ext0/153/33/33/33/3
Lt flex15/152/32/33/33/3
Lt ext15/152/32/33/33/3

Number of rats that exhibited electric potential/number of rats measured. All the rats in the group for the preliminary experiment exhibited contralateral electrical potential only in response to stimulation on the opposite side, whereas all the rats assessed over time after the surgery exhibited electric potential on both sides in response to stimulation of the right or left pyramid at 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery. Rt: right; Lt: left; Flex: flexor; Ext: extensor.