Research Article

Staurosporine Inhibits Frequency-Dependent Myofilament Desensitization in Intact Rabbit Cardiac Trabeculae

Figure 5

Analysis of TnI and MLC-2 phosphorylation status in muscles stimulated to twitch at 1 or 4 Hz, with and without staurosporine. Panel (a) shows a representative SDS gel stained for total protein using the Sypro Ruby protein stain. Panel (b) shows the same gel counterstained for phosphoprotein using the Pro-Q Diamond Stain. Densitometric analysis of bands corresponding to TnI and MLC-2 was obtained from each stain and the ratio of phosphoprotein to total protein calculated for each group. TnI phospho/total protein ratio is shown in panel (c) and MLC-2 shown in panel (d) ( for each group, other gel not shown); error bars are SEM, * considered significant.