Research Article

Increased Urine IgM and IgG2 Levels, Indicating Decreased Glomerular Size Selectivity, Are Not Affected by Dalteparin Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Table 2

Baseline values in patients grouped with normo- or micro- and macroalbuminuria.

NormoalbuminuriaMicro- and macroalbuminuria

Age (years)74 (54–90)75 (61–86)
Diabetes duration (years)15 ± 919 ± 8
Gender (male/female)21/1216/5
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)150 (115–210)160 (135–215)
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)80 (60–100)85 (60–105)
S-HbA1c (%)6.5 (5.0–9.9)6.9 (5.1–11.0)
S-Creatinine (μmol/L)81 (53–160)85 (65–128)
S-Hs CRP (mg/L)9.4 (0.9–118)2.7 (0.3–78.2)
S-AA (mg/L)5.5 (1.2–415)5.1 (1.7–127)
S-IGF-1 (μg/L)134 (47–384)115 (49–269)
S-IGFBP-1 (μg/L)41 (15–310)60 (8–313)
U-Glycosaminoglycan (mg/mmol)a2.7 (0–8.7)2.6 (0–11.1)
U-IgG2 (mg/mmol)b0.18 (0–8.1)0.85 (0–99)*
U-IgG4 (mg/mmol)c0.06 (0–7.7)0.27 (0–28.7)*
U-IgG2/IgG4d3.1 (0.04–31.0)3.3 (0.76–10.5)
U-IgM (mg/mmol)e0.02 (0–0.06)0.03 (0–0.13)
U-TGFβ1 (ng/mmol)3.2 (1.1–379)4.5 (1.4–16.5)

* versus normoalbuminuria. Data are given as median and range (min-max). Urine data are the ratio between urine protein and urine creatinine. aReference values for U-GAG: 2.9 (2.0–4.4) mg/mmol [25]; bU-IgG2: 0.19 ± 0.14 mg/mmol; cU-IgG4: 0.35 ± 0.25 mg/mmol; dU-IgG2/IgG4: 2.3 ± 0.7; eU-IgM: 0.002 ± 0.001 mg/mmol [28]. IGFBP-1 (15–45) [29, 30].