Research Article

Association of TCTP with Centrosome and Microtubules

Figure 1

Immunofluorescence localization of TCTP in Xenopus laevis mitotic spindles using XlTCTP antibody. (a) Confocal section of an XL2 cell showing the presence of TCTP in the spindle with higher density at the spindle poles. (b) Isolated spindle formed by sperm-head addition to the CSF extract. Red MTs stained with rhodamine-β-tubulin added to the extract, green TCTP detected by immunofluorescence with XlTCTP antibody. White arrows point to spindle poles with TCTP staining. Blue DNA stained with DAPI. Note the presence of yellow staining of TCTP at the spindle poles and the absence of TCTP in the remaining parts of the spindle. (c) Confocal section of murine metaphase NIH3T3 cell stained with XlTCTP antibody (green) and with DAPI for DNA. Note that XlTCTP stains exclusively two distinct spots corresponding to the centrosomes, at the spindle poles corresponding. (d) Confocal section of human HeLa metaphase cell. Green TCTP detected with XlTCTP antibody, blue DNA. XlTCTP stains two spindle poles; the granular background staining is also visible in the cytoplasm. (e) Human HeLa metaphase cell. Green TCTP detected with homologous HsTCTP antibody, blue DNA. HsTCTP stains the whole spindle. (f) Monkey Cos7 metaphase cell incubated with anti-rat TCTP antibody showing a very distinct staining of spindle poles. Bar is equal to 20 μm.