Research Article

Impaired Caveolae Function and Upregulation of Alternative Endocytic Pathways Induced by Experimental Modulation of Intersectin-1s Expression in Mouse Lung Endothelium

Figure 5

Chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s expression partially restores caveolae number and IEJ integrity. (a) ELISA applied on mouse lung lysates of control, empty liposomes, and ITSN-1s siRNA-treated mice, 24 d alter delivery, perfused with 10 mg/mL BSA-DNP, for 10 min. Results were obtained in 4-5 different experiments, (3 mice/experimental condition), and expressed in ng BSA-DNP/mg total protein/10 min. Bars ± SD. (b, d) Filtration residues in the luminal introit of two IEJs (arrowheads). Mild dilation (*) of the pvs suggests leakiness of the IEJs. Multivesicular bodies (mvb), in close proximity of the plasma membrane, have some of their internal small vesicles, labeled by 8 nm Au-BSA particles (c, d). Bars: 100 nm.