Review Article

Biosynthesis and Virulent Behavior of Lipids Produced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis: LAM and Cord Factor: An Overview

Table 2

Role of TDM in different forms of TB.

Type of tuberculosisRole of TDMReferences

Primary tuberculosis(1) For survival of MTB in host cell environment mainly in macrophages by inhibiting phagosome-lysosome fusion.[50]
(2) At the time of caseating granulomas formation, a sufficient dose of TDM is required.[5]

Secondary tuberculosis(1) Preliminary stage of secondary tuberculosis is called as lipid pneumonia, which is caused by the infected material spilled from granuloma cavities. [51]
(2) Due to the presence of TDM, MTB is able to survive in foamy alveolar macrophages.
(3) Bronchial obstruction takes place either because of granuloma or lipid content present on MTB cell wall.[52ā€“54]

Caseation necrosis(1) TDM monolayer triggers caseation necrosis in MTB. [55]
(2) Toxic effects of TDM contribute to the maintenance of the lesions.