Research Article

Acute Kidney Injury after Major Abdominal Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis

Table 1

Preoperative characteristics, type of surgery, intraoperative characteristics, postoperative complications, length of stay, and mortality of patients ( ) undergoing major nonvascular abdominal surgery.


Preoperative characteristics
 Age (years)62 (16)
 Male (%)227 (50.4)
 Caucasian (%)431 (95.8)
 Diabetes mellitus (%)84 (18.7)
 Hypertension (%)225 (50)
 Ischemic heart disease (%)54 (12)
 Congestive heart failure (%)25 (5.6)
 Cerebrovascular disease (%)29 (6.4)
 COPD (%)25 (5.6)
 Cirrhosis (%)9 (2)
 Solid malignancy (%)190 (42.2)
 Hematological malignancy (%)8 (1.8)
 ASA IV/V (%)48 (10.7)
 RCRI score 1.3 (0.6)
 Nonrenal RCRI 1.2 (0.5)
 Preoperative hemoglobin (g/dL)11.1 (1.7)
 Preoperative SCr (mg/dL)1 (0.5)
 Urgency surgery (%)101 (22.4)
Type of surgery
 Laparoscopy (%)55 (12.2)
 Laparotomy (%)390 (86.7)
 Laparoscopy converted to laparotomy (%)5 (1.1)
 Colorectal (%)222 (49.3)
 Gastric (%)85 (18.9)
 Hepatobiliary and pancreatic1 (%)65 (14.4)
 Small bowel (%)19 (4.2)
 Esophageal (%)11 (2.4)
 Other surgery (%)48 (10.7)
Intraoperative characteristics
 Duration of anestesia (min.)223 (100)
 IOH (number of records)1 (1.8)
 Crystalloids without colloids (%)175 (38.9)
  Crystalloids and colloids (%)275 (61.1)
 Erythrocytes (units)0.5 (0.7)
 Vasoactive drugs use (%)80 (17.7)
Postoperative complications
 Hemorrhage (%)45 (10)
 Anastomotic leak (%)21 (4.7)
 Surgical site infection (%)71 (15.8)
 Need for MV (%)11 (2.4)
 Admission to ICU (%)13 (2.9)
 SAPS II23 (17.4)
 Nonrenal SAPS II20.8 (15.4)
 Length of PACU stay (days)4.4 (8.6)
 Length of hospital stay (days)12 (12.6)
 PACU mortality (%)20 (4.4)
 In-hospital mortality (%)29 (6.4)

COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists. RCRI: Revised Cardiac Risk Index. SCr: serum creatinine. IOH: intraoperative hypotension. MV: mechanical ventilation. ICU: intensive care unit. SAPS II: Simplified Acute Physiology Score, version II. PACU: Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit. 1Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery includes gallbladder surgery ( ), hepatic surgery ( ), pancreatic surgery ( ), and bile ducts surgery ( ).