Clinical Study

Procalcitonin Clearance for Early Prediction of Survival in Critically Ill Patients with Severe Sepsis

Table 2

PCT as a function of survivors versus nonsurvivors in sepsis patients.

Severe sepsis cohort

Day 1 PCT (ng/mL)7.6 (1.0–37.7)5.8 (0.8–20.6)18.5 (1.1–77.2)0.11
ΔPCT-240.03 (−6.2–6.7)0.3 (−1.6–0.8)−3.9 (−36–0.8)0.01
ΔPCT-480.3 (−2.0–9.0)0.8 (−0.01–12.4)−1.4 (−17.2–2.3)0.04

Data are presented as median (interquartile range). The minus sign indicates that the PCT level increased relative to the baseline PCT. Comparisons of the levels between survivors and nonsurvivors were analysed using Mann-Whitney test.