Research Article

Variability in Glycemic Control with Temperature Transitions during Therapeutic Hypothermia

Table 2

Differences between survivors and nonsurvivors.


Average measured glucose, mmol/L9.16 ± 4.089.38 ± 2.240.844
First measured glucose, mmol/L12.21 ± 6.2615.66 ± 4.650.062
Glucose variation (max-min), mmol/L9.16 ± 6.1513.38 ± 6.130.092
Percentage coefficient of glucose variation31.9 ± 1835.4 ± 110.562
Frequency of excursion3 (0–27)9 (2–28)0.057
Excursions as percent of total measures7 (7–77)25 (8–70)0.045
Required hypoglycemia protocol (%)2 (15.4)7 (53.8)0.097

Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± SD and nonparametric data as median (range).