Clinical Study

Potential Explanatory Factors for Higher Incident Hip Fracture Risk in Older Diabetic Adults

Table 3

Final model for association of impaired fasting glucose and Diabetes Mellitus with incident hip fracture.*

HR95% CI

AAI, <–1.57
BMI, kg/m20.930.91–0.95
Time for walk, s1.071.04–1.10

*Models were internally stratified for sex and adjusted for age, race, current smoking, and current alcohol use. Clinical cardiovascular disease, use of oral estrogen, use of calcium supplements, renal insufficiency (either creatinine ≥1.5 mg/dL in men/≥1.3 mg/dL in women or eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2), fasting insulin level, physical activity, history of falls, and vision problems were not included in the final model since they did not attenuate the HR for diabetes and were not significantly related to hip fracture.