Review Article

Nicotinamide, NAD(P)(H), and Methyl-Group Homeostasis Evolved and Became a Determinant of Ageing Diseases: Hypotheses and Lessons from Pellagra

Figure 2

Direct redox regulation apart NAD-consuming pathways influences a prodigious number of pathways involved in internal metabolism and connections with the external world. Survival at the cellular level and of viable interactions with each other and diet and symbionts means that NAD and Nicotinamide are at the hub of the survival of superorganisms such as ourselves. Key: FoxO—forkhead transcription factors; Sirt2 and PARP in text; CD38 cluster differentiation 38; TNF—tumor necrosis factor; E2 Prostaglandin E2; cADP—cyclic adenosine di-phosphate; ART2—T-cell ADPribosyltransferase; ADPR protein—adenosine di-phosphate ribose protein.