Research Article

Relationship-Based Care and Behaviours of Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities

Table 3

Mean scores for RBC items obtained by the caregivers when assisting residents ( with some exceptions) with hygiene and dressing.

ItemsMean (standard deviation)

Making contact (score 0 or 1)
 (1) Knocks on the door 0.81 (0.33)
 (2) Introduces him-/herself 1.0 (0)
 (3) Announces what the care will be0.90 (0.19)
 (4) Looks at the resident0.98 (0.07)
 (5) Speaks to the resident0.98 (0.07)
 (6) Touches the resident0.66 (0.36)
Total of the RBC Making contact items (/6)4.8 (0.7)
Relationship bubble (/3)
 (7) Looks at the resident during care2.73 (0.37)
 (8) Announces what he/she will do2.85 (0.35)
 (9) Speaks to the resident during care2.66 (0.79)
 (10) Touches, moves the resident gently2.67 (0.41)
 (11) Maintains physical contact2.02 (0.97)
 (12) Announces if leaving1.94 (0.99)
 (13) Uses massage 1.20 (1.69)
 (14) Offers realistic choices2.24 (0.86)
Mean of the RBC Relationship bubble items (/3)2.5 (0.5)
General approach (/3)
 (15) Adapts interventions to feedback2.53 (0.71)
 (16) Ensures comfort (physical and mental)2.81 (0.33)
 (17) Asks resident to participate, allows autonomy2.84 (0.30)
 (18) Prefers standing during care2.97 (0.09)
 (19) Ends the care1.91 (1.05)
Mean of the RBC General approach items (/3)2.6 (0.3)
Teamwork (/3)
 (20) Does not speak at same time as coworker2.70 (0.67)
 (21) Is client- and task-oriented2.29 (0.65)
Mean of the RBC Teamwork items (/3)2.3 (0.5)
Communication (/3)
 (22) Gives clear instructions2.90 (0.27)
 (23) Suggests positive ideas/positive reinforcement2.71 (0.57)
Mean of the RBC Communication items (/3)2.8 (0.3)

indicates that these items were observed during the care of only some, not all 14, of the residents.