Review Article

CpG Island Methylation, Microsatellite Instability, and BRAF Mutations and Their Clinical Application in the Treatment of Colon Cancer

Table 2

Studies that examined interactions of MSI, CIMP, and BRAF mutation in colon cancer.

ReferenceNo. of patientsStageMSI (%)CIMP (%)BRAF mt (%) Outcome (no treatment)5FU-based treatment

[27]605I–IV1216MSIMSS/CIMPMSI and CIMP did not predict outcome with therapy
[28]206III1433CIMP predicted benefit with therapy
[29]911I–IV9279.5MSI/BRAF mt or wtMSS/BRAF mt
[30]30IV010CIMPCIMP showed trend for resistance to chemotherapy, NS
[31]188IV15CIMPCIMP did not predict outcome with therapy
[35]649I–IV1919CIMP, MSIBRAF mt
[37]1,913 (MMR) 1,584 (BRAF)II118MSIMSSMSI and BRAF mt did not predict outcome with therapy
[38]245I–IV20145Stages II/III patients with CIMP benefit from adjuvant treatment
[39]302I–IV25.832.721CIMPCIMP tumor did not benefit from adjuvant treatment
[40]506III1515MSI/BRAF wtMSS/BRAF mtMSI/BRAF wt and MSS/BRAF mt tumors showed a trend for benefit from IFL, NS

BRAF mt: BRAF mutation, BRAF wt: BRAF wild-type, NS: not statistically significant, IFL: 5FU, leucovorin, and irinotecan.