Research Article

Healthcare Costs and Workloss Burden of Patients with Chemotherapy-Associated Peripheral Neuropathy in Breast, Ovarian, Head and Neck, and Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer

Table 1

Inclusion criteria and ICD-9-CM codes used for analytic samples.
(a) Inclusion criteria

CriteriaNumber of patients

1Number of beneficiaries under 65 at eligibility start4,729,443
2>1 breast, ovarian, head and neck, or nonsmall cell lung cancer claim from 1999–200556,261
3>1 chemotherapy treatment within 3 months following a breast, ovarian, head and neck, or nonsmall cell lung cancer diagnosis14,142
4>3 months of continuous eligibility prior to the first chemotherapy treatment for the qualifying tumor during which no other chemotherapy treatment was received11,009
5>1 diagnosis for peripheral neuropathy following first chemotherapy treatment1,245
6Peripheral neuropathy within 9 months of first chemotherapy treatment525
Main CAPN sample: no diabetes history454
Diabetic CAPN sample71
Employee CAPN subsample78

(b) ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes Used for Identification of CAPN and Cancer


Polyneuropathy due to drugs357.6
Disturbance of skin sensation782.0
Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy357.x
Toxic optic neuropathy377.34
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy337.2
Cervical root lesions353.2
Lumbosacral root lesions353.4
Other mononeuritis of unspecified site355.7
Mononeuritis of unspecified site355.9
Neuralgia, neuritis, or radiculitis729.2
Brachial plexus lesions353.0

CancerICD-9-CM code

Nonsmall cell lung cancer162.x
Breast cancer174.x, 175.x
Head and neck195.0, 140.x, 141.x, 142.x, 143.x, 144.x, 145.x, 146.x, 147.x, 148.x,149.x