Research Article

Fast Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithms Using Projected Gradient Approaches for Large-Scale Problems

Algorithm 4

% Barzilai-Borwein gradient projection (GPSR-BB) algorithm
function [X] = nmf_gpsr_bb(A,Y,X,no_iter)
% [X] = nmf_gpsr_bb(A,Y,X,no_iter) finds such matrix X that solves
% the equation AX = Y subject to nonnegativity constraints.
% A - system matrix of dimension [I by J]
% Y - matrix of observations [I by T]
% X - matrix of initial guess [J by T]
% no_iter - maximum number of iterations
% X - matrix of estimated sources [J by T]
% #########################################################################
% Parameters
alpha_min = 1E-8; alpha_max = 1;
alpha = .1*ones(1,size(Y,2));
B = A’*A; Yt = A’*Y;
for k=1:no_iter
G = B*X - Yt;
delta = max(eps, X - repmat(alpha,size(G,1),1).*G) - X;
deltaB = B*delta;
lambda = max(0, min(1, -sum(delta.*G,1)./(sum(delta.*deltaB,1) + eps)));
X = max(eps,X + delta.*repmat(lambda,size(delta,1),1));
gamma = sum(delta.*deltaB,1) + eps;
if gamma
alpha = min(alpha_max, max(alpha_min, sum(delta. ̂ 2,1)./gamma ));
alpha = alpha_max;