Research Article

Craniux: A LabVIEW-Based Modular Software Framework for Brain-Machine Interface Research

Figure 4

Craniux system screenshot during population vector-based control. (a) Plot of the instantaneous activity of each feature used for cursor control along its preferred direction (blue) and the resultant population vector (red). (b) 𝑅 2 value plot indicating the distribution of 𝑅 2 values obtained during population vector training (blue) compared to the mean, 80th, 90th, and 95th percentile 𝑅 2 values obtained after training on 1000 iterations of target-shuffled data (red, dark orange, light orange, and yellow lines). The threshold above which features are chosen for use in the decoder is shown by the pink line. (c) 𝑅 2 values obtained during population vector training arranged by channel and frequency band. Note that the 70–120 Hz frequency band features show high 𝑅 2 values across all channels, consistent with the method used to generate the simulated ECoG signals. (d) The preferred direction distribution of all features. Red lines correspond to those features with 𝑅 2 values above the user-determined threshold, while white lines are those features falling below the threshold.