Research Article

EEG and MEG Data Analysis in SPM8

Figure 2

Construction of (space × space × time) summary statistic image and the ensuing SPM inference. The data are MEG responses to presentation of images of faces and scrambled faces. (a) Average ERF for a single subject recorded at a left temporal sensor in response to face presentation. The vertical line indicates the maximum positive value of this ERF. (b) Sensor-space map interpolated across all sensors at 185 ms after the stimulus, indicated by the line in (a). (c) Construction of a 3D (space × space × time) data volume from sensor-space maps, such as shown in (b). (d) Results of F test for difference between responses to faces and scrambled faces. Overall, single trials (168 for each condition) were converted to images as shown in (c). A two-sample 𝑡 -test was performed and the results were assessed with an 𝐹 -contrast to test for differences of either polarity. The results were thresholded at 𝑃 = . 0 5 with FWER correction based on random field theory. The red arrow indicates the peak value of the 𝐹 -statistic (at 245 ms).