Research Article

Convergence Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimizer and Its Improved Algorithm Based on Velocity Differential Evolution

Algorithm 1

Procedure for the H-PSO-DE.
Step 1. Initialize particles in swarm. Initialize location , and velocity
   of each particle . Best position .
Step 2. Evaluate objective function and update personal best.
   for each particle , do
     if then
    end if
   end for
Step 3. Swap particles.
    for each particle , do
     Determine the best successor arg
     min , where are the successors of .
    if then
    Swap particles and
    end if
   end for
Step 4. Update the position and velocity of the th particle.
  for each particle , do
Update the velocity in each dimension :
    Move the particle:
  end for
Step 5. Judge the evolution process of H-PSO.
  if ( ), then
   goto Step 6
   else goto Step 7
  end if
Step 6. Update the velocity and position of the particle according to (16).
 if then
  end if
Step 7. If a stopping criterion is met, then output the global best position and stop;
  otherwise, repeat Step 2–Step 6.