Research Article

Finger Tapping Clinimetric Score Prediction in Parkinson's Disease Using Low-Cost Accelerometers

Table 2

Features summary with minimum and maximum values across the 86 observations. The 8 MDS-UPDRS features are presented first.

Feature Feature definition Min Max

Freq Mean movement frequency (Hz) 0.367 5.106
Dfreq Index for decrementing frequency (—) 2 10
Afreq Index for augmenting frequency (—) 2 10
Angle Mean opening angle (°) 5.139 117.8
Dangle Index for decrementing angle (—) 2 10
Hypom Hypometria (—) 0 10
Hesits Number of hesitations (—) 0 5
Halts Number of halts (—) 0 1
Topen Mean, standard deviation, and slope
of percentage of movement time
for maximum opening
acceleration (—)
0.191 0.533
sdTopen 0.017 0.232
slTopen 0.032
Aclose Mean, standard deviation, and slope of
maximum closing acceleration (g)
1.131 9.676
sdAclose 0.338 3.145
slAclose 0.603
Aopen Mean, standard deviation, and slope of
maximum opening acceleration (g)
0.761 10.81
sdAopen 0.054 1.483
slAopen 0.364
RMS Root mean square (g) 0.942 4.047