Research Article

Enhancement of ELM by Clustering Discrimination Manifold Regularization and Multiobjective FOA for Semisupervised Classification

Algorithm 1

(1) Build the initial fruit fly swarm in which each individual is in the form of (22).
(2) Evaluate the fitness function on training set by using (20).
(3) Set and variables.
   for  k = 1  to    do
(4)  According to and , adjust of each individual in .
(5)  Evaluate the new swarm on training set by using (20).
(6)  for  i = 1  to    do
(7)   for each individual in the
(8)    Adjust () by using adaptively reduced search area by using (24)
(9)    if MSE of new individual is better than previous one then
(10)    New individual replaces previous one
(11)  Reset and variables
(12) Reserve global optimal solutions in population .