Review Article

Using the Change Manager Model for the Hippocampal System to Predict Connectivity and Neurophysiological Parameters in the Perirhinal Cortex

Figure 2

Cortical column structure drawn by predominant connectivity flow rather than physical arrangement. Inputs to a column arrive in layer IV, outputs from IV go to layers II/III, and outputs from layers II/III go to layers V/VI. Outputs from layers V/VI are the outputs from the column. Because receptive fields in one layer are combinations of receptive fields in the preceding layer, they are more complex and specific and will therefore be detected somewhat less often on average than receptive fields in the preceding layer. If there is activity in layers V/VI, the column is already producing an output and no receptive field expansion is appropriate. However, if there is strong activity in layers II/III but no output, this indicates that the column is fairly close to detecting its receptive field. Because only a slight expansion would be needed to get detection, such expansion would be relatively low risk.