Research Article

Splenectomy with Portoazygous Disconnection for Correction of Systemic Hemodynamic Disorders in Hepatic Cirrhosis Patients with Portal Hypertension: A Prospective Single-Center Cohort Study

Table 1

Patient demographic and baseline characteristics.



Age, years
Mean (SD)47.8 (9.7)
Male gender, n (%)39 (56.5)

Causes of cirrhosis, n (%)
Hepatitis B39 (56.5)
Hepatitis C7 (10.1)
Alcoholic cirrhosis4 (5.8)
Hepatitis B and alcoholic cirrhosis5 (7.3)
Autoimmune8 (11.6)
Idiopathic1 (1.5)
Unknown5 (7.3)
Previous variceal bleeding, n (%)55 (79.7)
Hepatic encephalopathy, n (%)2 (2.9)
Ascites, n (%)40 (58.0)
Total bilirubin, μmol/L, mean (SD)21.52 (11.91)
Mean ALT (SD), U/L21.76 (10.20)
Mean AST (SD), U/L28.32 (13.87)
Albumin, g/L, mean (SD)36.47 (4.25)
Mean creatine (SD), μmol/L63.28 (16.38)
Mean Na (SD), mmol/L140.38 (3.03)
Mean INR (SD)1.23 (0.15)
Mean CTP (SD)6.29 (1.14)
Mean WBC (SD), ×109/L2.06 (1.08)
Lymphocytes, n (%)28.38 ± 9.14
Neutrophils, n (%)60.87 ± 10.23
Mean platelet (SD), ×109/L53.33 (35.49)

Child–Pugh classification
Grade A41 (59.4)
Grade B26 (37.7)
Grade C2 (2.9)

Median (range)5 (−3, 14)
Mean (SD)5.06 (4.17)

ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; CRP: C-reactive protein; CTP: Child–Turcotte–Pugh; INR: International Normalized Ratio; MELD: Model of End-Stage Liver Disease; SD: standard deviation; WBC: white blood cells. ALT male: 9–50 U/L, female: 7–40 U/L; AST male: 15–40 U/L, female: 13–35 U/L; total bilirubin 5–21 μmol/L; albumin 40–55 g/L; creatinine 57–97 μmol/L; Na 137–147 mmol/L; INR 0.8–1.2; WBC 3.5–9.5 × 109/L; lymphocytes (%) 20–50%; neutrophils, n (%) 40–75%; platelet 125–350 × 109/L.