Research Article

Epidemiology of Brucellosis in Small Ruminants of Rural and Peri-Urban Areas of Multan, Pakistan

Table 1

Screening and comparison of brucellosis using different commercially available RBPT antigens.

% seropositivity with RBPT (n/T) (95% CI prevalence) valueχ2

Overall10.20 (40/392) (7.42, 13.57)9.69 (38/392) (7.04, 13.05)9.95 (39/392) (7.21, 13.31)0.9720.057
Sheep10.71 (21/196) (6.96, 15.91)10.20 (20/196) (6.43, 15.16)11.22 (22/196) (7.19, 16.43)0.9480.107
Goat9.69 (19/196) (6.10, 14.63)9.18 (18/196) (5.67, 14.11)8.67 (17/196) (5.13, 16.36)0.9410.122

RBPT, Rose Bengal Plate Test.