Clinical Study

A First Report on [18F]FPRGD2 PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma

Figure 2

FPRG and NaF/FDG PET/CT images of patient #1 with newly diagnosed MM. The FPRG PET/CT images ((a) maximum intensity projection, MIP, and sagittal slices) show two spinal FLs with FPRG uptake: one in the vertebral body of T5 corresponding to a mixed lesion on CT images ((a) red arrows) and a pathologic fracture of T8 ((a) green arrows). The NaF/FDG PET/CT images ((b) MIP and sagittal slices) show NaF/FDG uptake in T8 ((b) green arrows) but not in T5 ((b) red arrows). In addition, FPRG uptake was also observed in glenohumeral, left hip, and right ankle joints ((a) blue arrows) as well as in the left total knee arthroplasty ((a) orange arrow). The observation of FPRG uptake in musculoskeletal disorders has already been published [6].