Clinical Study

Noninvasive Monitoring of Liver Disease Regression after Hepatitis C Eradication Using Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI

Table 1

Patient characteristics at the time of pretreatment MRI as well as treatment characteristics.

Age (years)61 (53–66)
 Age (female) (years)59 (56–68)
 Age (male) (years)61 (52–63)

 Male24 (77%)
 Female7 (23%)

HCV genotype
 124 (77%)
 32 (7%)
 45 (16%)

Cirrhosis27 (87%)
 CP stage A19 (70%)
 CP stage B8 (30%)
 MELD points9 (8–11)
 History of variceal bleeding0 (0%)
 Varices14 (52%)
  Small10 (37%)
  Large4 (15%)

Platelet count (G × L−1)104 (77–146)

Albumin (g × L−1)39.6 (35.7–41.8)

Bilirubin (mg × dL−1)0.92 (0.64–1.48)

Prothrombin time (%)77 (64.3–86.3)

Treatment-experienced22 (71%)

Treatment regimen
 SOF/SMV6 (19%)
 SOF/DCV19 (61%)
 SOF/LDV5 (16%)

Treatment duration
 12 weeks10 (32%)
 16 weeks5 (16%)
 20 weeks2 (6%)
 24 weeks14 (45%)

Referring only to patients with cirrhosis. HCV: hepatitis C virus; CP: Child-Pugh score; MELD: model for end-stage liver disease; SOF: sofosbuvir; SMV: simeprevir; DCV: daclatasvir; LDV: ledipasvir.