Research Article

Reducing False Alarms of Intensive Care Online-Monitoring Systems: An Evaluation of Two Signal Extraction Algorithms

Table 2

Numbers of threshold alarms regarding ART.S, ART.M, HR, and SpO2. The percentages marked with * are the proportions of the individual true, advisory, and false alarm rates to all alarms of the respective individual vital parameter.

Annotation ART.S ART.M HR SpO2 Σ

True 189 (10%*) 54 (11%*) 71 (8%*) 135 (12%*) 449 (10%)
Advisory 981 (53%*) 237 (49%*) 704 (77%*) 110 (10%*) 2032 (47%)
False 680 (37%*) 195 (40%*) 134 (15%*) 869 (78%*) 1878 (43%)

Σ 1850 (42%) 486 (11%) 909 (21%) 1114 (26%) 4359 (100%)