Research Article

Simulation of the Frank-Starling Law of the Heart

Figure 6

Sample values of cardiovascular variables in a single cardiac cycle during initial conditions (column a), maximal preload (column b), or maximal afterload (column c) when atrium is not contracting. Each column is subdivided in four blocks. Details are the same as in Figure 5. If atrium is not contracting, there is no “hump” in AtP in late diastole. However, also in this condition the early mitral flow commences when AtP = VP. However, AtP is higher (cf. Figure 5). Therefore, if atrium is not contracting, peak early mitral flow is higher. Data, presented in columns (a, b, and c), are qualitatively similar to those shown in Figure 5. Similarly, the P-V loop diagram (d) is qualitatively similar to that shown in Figure 5.
(a) Initial conditions
(b) Maximum preload
(c) Maximum afterload