Research Article

Automated Quantification of Pneumothorax in CT

Table 1

Pneumothorax (PTX) size by method. The percentage size of the pneumothorax for each case is reported, as obtained from the automated method and by manual segmentation. The absolute error between the two methods is shown for each case and averages to be 0.99%.

ā€‰Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case

Auto PTX % size8.10%0.38%19.73%17.29%5.34%38.54%3.04%19.92%
Manual PTX % size7.93%0.00%20.11%18.44%6.52%35.26%3.97%19.45%
Absolute error0.18%0.38%0.37%1.16%1.18%3.27%0.92%0.46%

Average error0.99%