Research Article

Reliability of Semiautomated Computational Methods for Estimating Tibiofemoral Contact Stress in the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study

Figure 3

These Bland-Altman plots show day-to-day and interrater reliability for the segmentation and registration to generate estimates of the mean contact stress on the medial compartment. For day-to-day reliability, the -axis represents the difference between measurements on two separate occasions for a single rater, while the -axis represents the mean value. For interrater reliability, the -axis represents the difference between measurements obtained by two different raters while the -axis represents a pooled mean of all rater pairs. For all plots, the central horizontal line is the mean difference and the lines above and below it represent 2 SD. Measurements that resulted in values of zero (no contact stress) were omitted from the final plots to enhance legibility.
(a) Segmentation interrater reliability
(b) Registration interrater reliability
(c) Segmentation day-to-day reliability
(d) Registration day-to-day reliability