Research Article

Immune Response to a Variable Pathogen: A Stochastic Model with Two Interlocked Darwinian Entities

Figure 12

Computer result of a varying pathogen ( with antigen changing into with antigen ) coupled through averages to an immune system against antigen consisting of an effector and memory and against antigen consisting of an effector and memory Mb. Partial change of pathogen to pathogen escaping immune effector and with delayed immune response of effector . Glimpses at generation (a) , (b) . Upper left (triangle graph for 0 and scales 0.15 for and 32 for ): probability of finding individuals of the pathogen with antigen and of finding individuals of the pathogen with antigen (green) ( ). Middle left (triangle graph): probability of finding individuals of the immune effector (red) and individuals of immune memory (blue) against antigen ( ). Lower left (triangle graph): probability of finding individuals of the immune effector (red) and individuals of immune memory (blue) against antigen ( ). Upper right: extinction probability as a function of generations of pathogen (green), immune effector & memory against antigen and immune effector & memory against antigen (both violet). Middle and lower right: average of pathogen (green), of immune effector (red) and of immune memory (blue) against antigen (middle right) and against antigen (lower right) as a function of generations . Parameter values others than Figure 2: average and average , respectively (threshold value to switch immune system); , (pathogen variability).