Research Article

Dynamic Variability of Isometric Action Tremor in Precision Pinching

Table 1

Means and standard deviations of tremor variables stratified by total tremor power level.

Grouping levela Frequency difference (Hz)cPower differencec,dConcordance phase

PD background194 (0.162) 0 (3)145 (11)
PD minimal90 (0.247) −1 (6)126 (19)
PD intermediate86 (0.278) 38 (122)104 (34)
PD substantial26 (0.127) 2289 (3090)92 (34)

OA background354 0.044 (0.092) 0 (1)154 (17)
OA minimal41 0.034 (0.334) 0 (1)154 (17)
OA intermediate3 0.233 (0.273) 36 (42)107 (31)
OA substantial0

PD: Parkinson’s disease participants.
OA: older well adults.
aBased on total tremor power (sum of thumb and index finger) in mN2/sampling.
0–50: background; 50–100: minimal; 100–1000: intermediate; 1000+: substantial.
bTotal number of application and release task segments in the power grouping.
cDifferences represent index finger values subtracted from thumb values within trials.
dPower difference units in mN2/sampling.