Research Article

An Improved Computer Vision Method for White Blood Cells Detection

Algorithm 1

Step 1: Set the DE parameters and CR = 0.8.
Step 2: Initialize the population of m individuals where each decision
  variable   ,  ,  ,    and   of   is set randomly within the interval [1,  ]. All
  values must be integers. Considering that and   .
Step 3: Evaluate the objective value J( ) for all m individuals, and determining the   showing
   the best fitness value, such that .
Step 4: Generate the trial population   :
  for ( ; ; ++)
  do = floor(rand( ); while ( );
  do = floor(rand( ); while (( ) or ( ));
  jrand = floor( rand( ));
      for ( ; ; ++) // generate a trial vector
        if (rand(0,1)<=CR or = jrand)
        end if
      end for
  end for
Step 5: Evaluate the fitness values   ( ) of all trial individuals. Check all
  individuals. If a candidate parameter set is not physically plausible, i.e. out of the
  range [ ], then an exaggerated cost function value is returned. This aims to
  eliminate ‘‘unstable” individuals.
Step 6: Select the next population   :
  for ( ; ; ++)
    end if
  end for
Step 7: If the iteration number ( ) is met, then the output   is the solution (an actual
  ellipse contained in the image), otherwise go back to Step 3.