Research Article

A QR Code Based Zero-Watermarking Scheme for Authentication of Medical Images in Teleradiology Cloud

Algorithm 1

Master share and secret share creation.
: Host Image of size , Watermark of size , Key for initial block
    Selection, size of block , Number of iterations for Arnold Transform
: Secret Share of size
Step  1. Apply Contourlet Transform on to generate a LF subband
Step  2. Perform a block partitioning on the LF subband to generate non
  overlapping blocks
Step  3. Apply Arnold Transform on to generate scrambled watermark
Step  4. Perform steps 4–9 for each bit of watermark
Step  5. Apply Arnold transform on to select a block for Master Share creation; Increment
   and by 1; i.e., and
Step  6. Apply SVD to the selected block to generate and matrices
Step  7. Compute the Hu’s invariant moments and for the diagonal matrix
Step  8. Create a 3 bit Master Share out of the sign bits of and
Step  9. Encode and with equation (9) to generate Secret Share , of size
   ; i.e.