Research Article

Inducing Herd Immunity against Seasonal Influenza in Long-Term Care Facilities through Employee Vaccination Coverage: A Transmission Dynamics Model

Table 1

The parameter values for each variable in the SEIR compartmental model. Surveillance data refers to values obtained from conducting surveillance among each of the long-term care facilities in New Mexico during the 2006-2007 influenza season.

ParameterParameter value (range)
Current study
Parameter value
van den Dool et al. [16] study

Number of residentsSurveillance data (5–345)30
Number of HCWsSurveillance data (12–207)30
Vaccination coverage among residentsSurveillance data (0%–99%)0.75
Vaccination coverage among HCWsSurveillance data (0–100%)0-1
Number of days120 (surveillance period)80
Number of facilities631
Size of general population1,937,916 [17]100,000
Contact ()46% (36%–48%)Unknown
Average number of visitors0.7 (0–2) per resident per day0.7 (0.4–1) per resident per day
Time step 8 hours8 hours
Discharge mortality rate1/425 per day1/425 per day
Infectious rate1/1.4 per day1/1.4 per day
Recovery rate1/1.4 per day1/1.4 per day
HCWs immune from cross protection30%30%
Probability of casual contact between patients7%7%
Probability of close contact between patients6%6%
Probability of casual contact between HCW and patient52%52%
Probability of close contact between HCW and patient69%69%
Probability of casual contact between HCWs91%91%
Probability of close contact between HCWs32%32%
Ratio of close to casual transmission probability22
Vaccine efficacy among patients25%25%
Vaccine efficacy among HCWs73%73%

HCW: healthcare worker.