Research Article

The Importance of Stochastic Effects for Explaining Entrainment in the Zebrafish Circadian Clock

Figure 6

Stochastic simulations after light pulses. All traces show stochastic stimulations that were running freely in constant darkness before being subjected to a single light pulse at low (top) and high (bottom) intensities. The right column depicts five individual oscillators, while the left column shows the average of 1000. The results are largely in line with the experimental data. The black and white boxes at the bottom of the graph indicate lights on (white) and lights off (black). Cry1a mRNA is shown in green dotted line, Cry1a in green solid line, ClockBmal dimer in red line, Per1 mRNA in blue dotted line, and Per1 in blue solid line. Light blue dotted line shows light input/intensity.